Saturday, May 23, 2020

Fossil Fuels Vs. Renewable Energy Essay - 967 Words

Abstract – The world can’t be imagined without IC Engines ,as their applications are wider in various fields. And mainly used input for this engines are fossil fuels. But the challenge in this is decreasing rate of resources. The fossil fuels may not be available after some years if they used in the same way .Not only the fossil but also the electric power is the non renewable energy, This paper concentrates to run the engine without fossil fuels or electricity. Keywords – IC Engines, fossil fuels , non renewable energy I. INTRODUCTION In today’s motorized life , It’s difficult to live without motor (Engines) and the main source of it’s input power is fossil fuels partly electric power. In future these fuels or electricity may not be available widely as they are non renewable energies. So, it may be difficult to use engine with the fuels. Not only the problem of lack of resources but also but also they pollutes the environment. If the fossil fuels are used in this way for some more years ,It may difficult to breath in the future and many things which are harmful to the earth may happen like global warming .this may leads in danger to the lives of creatures. To solve this problems compressed air technology (CAT) was invented, and again the problem in this is input power. The air may be freely available in the atmosphere , but it needs to be compressed to use and the power it needs for compression is electrical energy , which is also a non- renewable energy.Show MoreRelatedFossil Fuels Vs. Renewable Energy1693 Words   |  7 PagesFossil fuels have been essential in the development of most industrial nations, there are a few realities of using them that these societies needs to come to terms with and they are most importantly the fact that these fossil fuels are finite and that they are detrimental to the health of our planet. 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